Foresta – quasi a due

SCHEME OF WORK FOR PIANO quasi a due AND INSTALLATION Foresta – quasi a due
Installation work Foresta – quasi a due took a place in Goethe-Institute in Korea in 2003. Two Japanese piano players performed a music piece of composer of the Korean origin Kunsu Shim entitled quasi a due.
Installation work Foresta – quasi a due and music quasi a due apply to the concept of time. Black and white picture on the wall consists of two photographs.
Figure “A” is a pianist number 1 and a photograph number 1.
Figure “B” is a pianist number 2 and a photograph number 2.
Figure “A” consists of 60 time episodes while figure “B” consists of 24 time episodes.
Figure “B” starts to play first.
Figure coming next to figure “B” is figure “A” and pause and figure coming before figure “B” is figure “A” and pause.
After figure “A” comes figure “A”, “B” and pause and before figure “A” comes figure “A”, “B” and pause.
Figure “A” is played every 8 seconds. 8 random sound pieces.